3- Sabbath Meal
After learning about the days of creation, the My Father's World Curriculum suggests that you do a traditional Jewish Sabbath meal when talking about the "Day of Rest." We experienced the bread, grape juice and the blessings, it was a great family bonding event.
2- Paper Mache Volcano
Loved this experiment. It was quite a process but the kids loved it. Day One we made a volcano using a milk jug and covered it with paper mache. The next day, the kids painted it. Once that dried, they added rocks and acorns for houses and lakes. Then finally we got out the baking soda and vinegar and let her rip!
1- Meteor Shower
That's right, it was the middle of the night and sure enough, we woke our older two up and drug them out to the couch to watch out the window. We saw a few in only a few minutes but we couldn't pass up this awesome opportunity, sooooo, we found our military issued sleeping bags, set them up on the back porch and stayed there, in the cold, for over an hour. We saw over 50 shooting stars and made some pretty neat memories that night!
My oldest daughter and I got to watch the meteor shower too. :) It was awesome.