Discovery Online Learning Review


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Reading Horizons is Online! 

Subscribe to the Discovery At-Home Learning Software Program and provide your student 4 and up with hours of educational fun! Each parent who sets up an account can add children who are working on their reading skills to their account. Using the same methods as found in their written materials which I reviewed here.

This program is designed for all types of learners and is adaptable for the following:

Beginning Reader
Homeschool Student
Dyslexic Students
Students with Learning Disabilities
Students with poor educational background or opportunities
ESL Learners

What is Included for $199
You receive online access to the Discovery Online Software for one year. The renewal price for an additional year is $50. This program includes 63 interactive lessons that teach the students the 42 sounds of the Alphabet, the Five Phonetic Skills and Two decoding skills. Included are 22 most common words lessons which include your sight words. 13 reference lessons are provided which align to the Common Core State Standards. Stories, games and parental access to each child's administration page are also included.  

My Experience

I began implementing this program into the daily lessons of both my 5 and 6 year old. My 6 year old is already a strong reader and fast learner. This program wasn't for him. On the other hand, my 5 year old needs the extra reinforcement and practice aside from his regular reading curriculum. It took him a while before he was ready for this program. I needed to teach him the basic letter sounds, vowels, etc before he felt confident with this program. Once he had the basics down, the extra practice that this program provides was a great tool. We are still using this program as a supplement to his current reading program! I was excited to gain access to this program since I have been looking for a program comparable to Reading Eggs. This certainly fits the bill! The lessons are simple and to the point. They aren't too long but are challenging enough for him! Once he completes a lesson he wins gold coins that he can use to play games on the site. I would usually require him to do 1 to 3 lessons at a time each day for his reading practice. Since I am schooling several young children right now it is great to have an educational computer program that I can schedule into our homeschool day!

Disclaimer: I received a free subscription to the Discovery Software for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own.

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