My New Look

So what do you think? Like it? The new site that is. I know that if you've visited here in the past you might have wondered for a minute if you were even in the right place. I'm still Thrift Schooling, just trying a new look for the time being!

When you first entered the site since the "remodel," you probably saw the screen asking you if you'd like to subscribe. Please do! If you haven't already, there is a place to do so on the upper right sidebar. I appreciate my subscribers and would love it if you'd join.

So my giveaway page has been awfully quiet recently, but that is about to change. Two region specific giveaways are listed now if you want to check that out, and more are in the works! Tomorrow, I'll be giving away an Etsy item valued at $100 and some laundry coupons are coming up within the week! Feel free to check back often over the next week or so. And, on Monday, the winner of my Lego Kidsfest giveaway will be announced! That's all the news for now. Till next time!

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