CTC Math is a complete online math tutor available for every age and grade K-12. I reviewed the 12 month family plan ($118.80 homeschool discount price), and was able to use this on some level with my all of my children. I even signed myself up to try some of the upper level math. My goal is to prepare myself for when I may have to teach it when we get to the higher grades in our homeschool!
My children love the fact that this is an Australian company. It must be the accent of the instructor that they enjoy so much! Even though this company is based out of Australia, we were able to sign up for the United States version.
This program is simple with ease of use. When you sign up for the family plan, the parent simply signs in with their login information and sets up an account for each student. I signed my children up by grade level, my second grader in the appropriate grade and my preschooler and kindergartner both in the kindergarten level.
When you first sign in, you'll see a screen with different options of skills that your child can work on; addition, subtraction, multiplication, measurement, etc. Below, is the addition screen for second grade with ten completed lessons. I had him work on one lesson a day which, in total, took between 10-15 minutes. Once he completed the addition lessons, they were averaged together. In this particular case, he received an average of 97% which equals a gold certificate!
You have the option of viewing your certificates at anytime on the bottom of the screen or printing them out to display for all to see. If the student struggles with a particular lesson, they have the option of repeating it and completing it a total of three times. This helps them not only to master the subject at hand but to increase their overall topic average. And believe it or not, gold is not what the student is striving for, but rather, platinum, which is a perfect 100%!
Diagnostic tests, both standard and comprehensive, are available at the top of each skill, shown in silver below. These can be used anytime to check on previous knowledge or progress in the subject matter.
The lesson begins with a short "Lesson Summary" found on the right hand side of the screen below. Each lesson is roughly 3-5 minutes in length. You never actually "see" the teacher but the teacher screen is shared, as seen below. As the screen is shared, the instructor speaks and teaches the lesson. Below, he is teaching the basics of multiplication using stars. The lessons are presented quickly and simply and make sense for young minds. Once the teaching portion is completed, the student then clicks on the "Questions" portion of the lesson and completes their work from there. |

Below is the kindergarten screen. This is a shot of my kindergartner's work. So far, in this level, most of what he has worked on has been review. But in all honesty, that is what he needs. Unlike his older brother, he is not very fond of math. His brother actually finds enjoyment in learning new math skills. My kindergartner does not share the same passion! Having him review simple skills such as counting past twenty or backwards has been good for him!
What I enjoy about this program is that sometimes they work on skills that I never would have thought of, or are not covered in our current math curriculum. An example is, "counting in action." He struggled with this at first, but after trying a couple of times he really started getting it. The lesson focused on counting moving objects, which requires patience, sitting still and focusing!
Below is a platinum level certificate that he received which was his pride and joy for sure! |
As for my preschooler, even though she was too young in my opinion, she still enjoyed the lessons. The first couple she was able to do on her own. But once it began counting higher than 12 then I would basically do the work for her while teaching her where the correct numbers were on the keyboard to type in! She enjoyed it for a little bit but I don't plan on continuing with her since this really is meant for Kindergarten and up, (and now I know why).
We will continue using this in our homeschool. It has been a good fit for us since for my second grader, it challenges him and teaches him new skills. And, as mentioned, it is great review for my kindergartner!