New Sights and Sounds

I love the city. It's just I've become so out of practice. It's certainly not foreign to me, I grew up only 20 minutes outside of Rochester, NY. As a teen I would frequent the local coffee shops and enjoy spending time with my friends out in the city on a cool summer evening. Even on random weekends in college we would drive to Philly and  big sometimes even head out to the Big Apple on a long weekend.

Then, I discovered the Blue Ridge Mountains. I've been converted. Farm living is the life for me! So, needless to say, that farm life is all my kids have known. Sure, we've visited some small cities, and even DC but we have never stayed in the heart of one for several days! Well, there's a first time for everything! Here are some fun new things the kids have seen...

Ice Cream Trucks
Emergency Vehicles Zooming By Up close
Alley Cats (they want to take them all home!)
Grocery Cart Blockers (so you can't take! them into the parking lot)
Interesting People (to be discussed in a later post)
City Apartments

Details and pics of out experiences are coming soon so stay tuned!!

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