Progeny Press {Review}

 Progeny Press Review
This Spring, my second grader has been finishing his school year strong with an exciting hands-on literature study by Progeny Press. They provide literature studies for grades K-12 and I chose to use the Frog and Toad Together Study Guide ($11.99) for lower elementary children grades Kindergarten through Third grade.

Frog and Toad has been a favorite in our house since my kids were young. We've read the books, listened to the stories on tape and watched the clay-mation videos! The Frog and Toad stories are classics that teach good morals and are entertaining for children as well! What better way to work on a unit study by using a story that is already familiar? The study guides are simple yet complete and a perfect way to dive deeper into the lessons taught in these.

I have really started to enjoy doing a unit study here or there for several reasons. First and foremost it provides the child with a sense of accomplishment. There is a defining beginning and end that does not take an entire year to complete. They have a goal set before them that isn't too demanding and is actually attainable! Secondly, it provides a break from the structured school day. Not that our homeschool is entirely "structured" per say, but it's easy to get into a groove, a pattern and just go with it. Unit studies help me break from the mold once in a while which brings excitement to the homeschooling day! Thirdly, unit studies help the child gain skills and knowledge in a deeper more comprehensive way since they are basically dissecting whatever they are learning about. It teaches them study skills and how to stop and actually think about what they are learning!

~ Printer: To Print out the E-Guide
~ The Book  Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel (I used a Library Copy)
~ 5 Plant Seed Packets with each Short Vowel in the Name
~ Seven Pots with Soil
~ Ingredients For Cookie Making
~ Art Supplies such as Watercolor Paints

First you print out your study guide and be sure you have all the materials needed before getting started. You begin with lesson one talking about friendship before you even begin to read the book with the child. I like how the lesson encourages the child to think about the theme of the book before diving headfirst into it. The questions are personal, thought provoking and Scriptural (a big plus)! I enjoyed how the Scriptures were written out and the child had to read them aloud and interact with them through the questions in these lessons.

Once we began studying each chapter, all three of my children and I would sit on the couch and my second grader would read it. Then he and I would go over the questions in the study guide. If there was an activity suggested for the day, we would all get involved! During the chapter about cookies we made cookies together and were able to share them at a homeschool picnic the following day! During the chapter about growing seeds we were able to plant several plants as suggested in the study guide.

It was perfect to use this study guide in the Spring because we were able to plant the flowers as suggested! We had to find five different seed packets, one to represent each short vowel sound. We had to be creative with some of them, but they work!

Overall, we enjoyed this unit study and I would absolutely download another study from them again!
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