2014-2015 Curriculum Choices

Crazy as it may sound, a majority of the materials for my oldest are Abeka this year! He thrives off of it actually. I know it sounds structured for me, but I just use it as a framework and flow from there!

My first grader is all over the board this year since he does well with plenty of hands-on activities! And, my pre-schooler will have a blast with the letter of the week lessons that her older brothers did when they were her age!

Aaron: Grade 3

Bible: Scripture Memory System/Veritas Press
Science: Abeka 3
History: Abeka/Veritas Press
Language: Abeka 3
Writing: Writeshop
Spelling: Abeka 3/Spelling You See
Reading: Abeka 3
Piano: Hoffman Acadamy Online
Math: Abeka 3

Michael: Grade 1

Bible: Scripture Memory System/Children's Bible Read Aloud w/Notebooking

Science: Bob Jones 1
History: Golden Prairie Press
Phonics/Reading/Spelling: Abeka 1
Writing: Abeka 1/Writeshop
Piano: Hoffman Acadamy Online
Math: Abeka 1

Tirzah: Pre-K 

Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool: Getting Ready 1
Letter of the Week Activities
Abeka K4 ABC/123

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