The Health Benefits of Dandelion Root (A Kiss Me Organics Review)


One year, it took a while before we got our riding lawn mower working. Quite a while. Okay, I think it was the Forth of July weekend before we got our first good mow in! I will tell you though, that it is quite interesting what will begin to grow when you don't mow. Yes, weeds galore, but did you know that some of the plants that we consider weeds in our society today are actually beneficial? It shocked me how many edible and medicinal plants were growing in my own backyard and year after year we were just mowing right over them! I began to wonder how much money I could actually save by becoming knowledgeable in the health benefits of what was native to our area, even the weeds! Yes, we still mow, a little, but now we save the good stuff! For example, marshmallow, willow, lambs quarters, wild onion, certain mushrooms and dandelion. Dandelion is one of my kids favorites. Oddly enough because it is quite bitter. But, we do need some bitter in our diets and we try to raise our kids to have that understanding. 

In the summers, when making salads, the kids will head outdoors and grab some dandelion greens to add to the mix! A great addition! Dandelion root is also extremely beneficial and helpful to the body. I haven't personally harvested the root yet, but Kiss Me Organics has! They even figured out a way to tone down the harsh bitterness of dandelion by turning it into a tea with the addition of hibiscus and cinnamon! Their Organic Dandelion Root Tea  is a natural, caffeine-free organic tea available on Amazon. We tend to lean towards organic teas when we are sick than to medicine. We aren't completely opposed to medicine, we do use it we just use it as a last resort. My children are not strangers to dandelion root tea, we have had it in the house before so when we received this tea in the mail they were excited to try it out! My youngest son took to it right away, he loves it! The other brands we've tried didn't have any added flavors like this one does so the cinnamon flavor was an added treat! His older brother wasn't a big fan, but he isn't much of a tea drinker. My daughter enjoyed it as well and has asked for it again! Since the weather is warming up, we may have to turn it into iced-tea!

The health benefits listed above show how this tea can be used as a detox or can maintain good liver and kidney health. It is rich in vitamins and to think that I've always considered it an obnoxious weed! Well, no longer!

Disclaimer: This post is powered by Brandbacker. All opinions stated here are my own.


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  1. I drink tea daily and will try this it sounds amazing.
    heather hgtempaddy

  2. I have heard that danilion is great for our bodies

    1. my name is Melissa Shirley not sure why its coming up anonymous

  3. Intriguing...learn new things all the time.

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