Pen pals were a big deal when I was ten. Literal pen pals. Envelopes, stamps, the whole nine yards. Our fifth grade class was connected with another school clear across the country and each student would have a fellow student to write letters back and forth with, via snail mail. Fast forward six years, in high school, we had the technology to video chat with exchange students from Ireland. This was a big deal. There were no smart phones, no Facetime, no Skype. A special room was dedicated in our library for video calling and the call was watched by dozens of students at once on a large projection screen. Communicating with people from all over the world, in mere seconds still blows my mind. To think there was a time in history when even the most educated people didn't know that the land we now call America even existed. Now, we can message, text or talk to people all around the world with a simple click of a button.
The technology is there. But is it being used? Are we allowing our children to spend hours upon hours trying to conquer Angry Birds or are we using this amazing technology to our advantage in the realm of education? We have the ability to connect with the rest of the world but are we? Or are we content to live in the same small town, talking to the same people about our local sports teams our entire lives?
I guess I'm pretty adamant about making sure my kids are cultured since by the time I graduated high school I had already traveled overseas, three times. I truly consider myself blessed and am thankful for these educational opportunities. The travel bug hit me at a young age and I didn't stop traveling for many years. Since I've had kids I haven't traveled but I am determined that my children appreciate other cultures. I am thankful that my children are starting to fall in love with other cultures. My oldest son wants to visit Mexico and two of my children hope to go to China!
5 Easy Ways To Introduce
Your Children To Other Cultures!
Skype Tutoring- Our children did this one semester to learn Spanish. They were able to be taught via Skype with someone in South America!
Host Visiting Foreigners- We have had both missionaries from China and visitors from China stay at our home on different occasions. This was a wonderful opportunity for my children to learn that not everyone lives the same way they do.
Rosetta Stone- If you want your child to learn a language but don't know the language yourself then Rosetta Stone can teach your child for you. This CD-Rom based program is best for kids who already know how to read.
Unit Study: Nations of the World- This summer, do a unit study on different nations of the world.
Expand Your Palate- Make cabbage rolls when studying about Russia or go to a Japanese restaurant when learning about Japan. If you live near a big city then you are golden! Visit little Italy or China town!
How Do You Share About
Different Corners of the World With Your Children?
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Rainbow Resource Center.
All opinions stated here are my own.