Get your students excited about writing this fall with these fun, thought provoking, writing prompts! Hand out a journal, blank piece of paper, slate and chalk, whatever you have, and let your kids go wild! This is a great opportunity to help them kick their minds back into gear after a long summer break.
13- I can’t imagine summertime without….
12- The memory from my childhood that makes me smile the most is….
11- When life gets me down, I simply….
10- If I were the ruler of a distant planet….
9- In five years I hope to….
8- My ultimate vacation would include….
7- If I could meet my favorite Bible character, I would tell them….
6- I am thankful for ….
5- If I won a million dollars...
4- If I met a talking snail, I would ask him….
3- The musical instrument I want to learn the most is….
2- If today my teacher said I had no school I would….
1- A new food that I have been wanting to try is….
More Writing Prompt Ideas
Disclaimer: This post is brought to you by Rainbow Resource Center. All thoughts expressed here are my own.