It was a four mile hike. At the crux of the fall season we ventured through winding trails, stone steps and wooden bridges with four kids in tow.
They did great. The kids kept pushing on. They knew that once they made it to the two mile mark- they would be greeted with the largest waterfall they've ever seen- 69 feet high! (It's true- I haven't taken them to Niagara Falls yet- I'm so ashamed.) For them- this was a big deal. My oldest son's jaw almost hit the ground when he turned around that last bend and finally witnessed the huge, gushing waterfall- it was bigger than he had ever imagined.
The trail follows a bubbling brook which creates a beautiful, scenic experience. Also, along the one side of the creek we found a wide variety of mushrooms.
The kids kept wanting to jump in. I'll admit, the kids were not the only ones that were tempted! We finally told them that once they made it to the large waterfall, they could take a dip.
One cool find along the trail was a trilobite fossil embedded in a rock. Actually, we found piles of fossils that we hope to bring to our local natural history museum and have checked out. Of course, as a young earth creationist, we will certainly have different views concerning how old it is.
Well, the kids made it! The cascades! And yes, we rewarded them with a quick, shallow wade---and--- another two mile hike back to the parking lot, haha! They didn't amazing, I'm super proud of them. If you are ever in the Virginia Tech area and are into hiking, I suggest you go for it!
The Cascades, Pembroke, VA
(Near Virginia Tech)