Healtop (Review)


Purchasing from Healtop makes you feel like you've just stepped into a natural foods store, without leaving the comfort of your own home. When their Infant Package arrived in the mail, it smelled glorious. All wrapped up in  a cute package, I felt like I had just received a special gift, which I did!

Upon opening the cute gift box, I found the following baby friendly products inside:

Herbal baby powder, natural diaper cream, natural vitamin c, clean (herbal cleaner of rooms) and baby colic natural supplement. Of these five items, the most useful one for me has been the Natural Baby Powder. It helps tremendously during diaper changes and helps keep my little one happy.

The colic natural supplement is great as well. This remedy works a bit different than gripe water or other natural remedies because it only takes one drop in order for it to work it's magic. And, yes, it works wonders. My baby is quite gassy at times and one drop of this herbal remedy works quickly. Of course, when I give my baby something, I want to know what it is made of. I was surprised to find that all that was listed on the side of the bottle as far as active ingredients was; essential oils. Well, that surprised me since most parents, especially ones who give their babies herbal supplements would like to know specifically which essential oils are used. I looked on the Healtop website and found a list of ingredients, all listed by their scientific name, again, I want to know what I am giving my child so I looked them up. After a bit of searching I found that this supplement is made up of different forms of  fennel, anise, and peppermint. Once I figured out that the ingredients were harmless, I felt better.

 I also had to utilize the website to figure out how much of the Vitamin C to use. The label is completely written in Hebrew so I felt at a loss at first glance. I know that Vitamin C is wonderful for boosting the immune system and probably completely safe for my baby but I would have liked to have been able to read the label myself instead of searching for the instructions on the website.

Overall, I have been pleased with the products themselves and would order from Healtop in the future. The prices are competitive and fair and the products do actually work! In addition to the infants package, they also have a Teenagers Package, Moms Package, an Toddlers Package and Moms Over 45 Package.

Disclaimer: I received the above products for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

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