The Plot Thickens


At the age of five, each child in our family receives a small plot of land in our backyard. They can turn it into a vegetable garden, a butterfly sanctuary filled with flowers, or an herbal paradise.

This tradition began after observing the behavior of my eldest son. Every year, he would eagerly await the onset of spring so he could get his hands dirty planting seeds in the garden right by his dad’s side.  

Marigolds that my middle son grew from seed, when he was six!
Finally, one day, I noticed my husband out in the yard creating a new wooden structure. It was a raised bed filled with soil for our son to create his first garden. My son’s eyes lit up when he had a chance to plant his own garden, although the true joy was found when he was able to pick the vegetables he had planted. I noticed a sense of accomplishment and excitement when he would hand me beans, squash or peas that we could cook that night for dinner. He was even more thrilled when I would be in need of a something, such as garlic, and he could run down to his garden and pick some for me.

Now, each of my children are able to enjoy their own gardens and are able to contribute to the family table. It’s a rich and rewarding experience for us all.

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