bitWise Academy {Review}


Are you interested in extending your child's learning beyond the classroom this summer? Join bitWise Academy and take self-paced online classes in STEM and computer science!

bitWise Academy is an award-winning Top 10 Company recognized as a pioneer in bringing innovative eLearning courses in emerging Science, technology, Engineering, and Math fields.  Students of all grade levels from across the country learn computer programming, game programming, art, design, space exploration, data science, statistics, drones, Raspberry Pi, python, Java, AP Computer Science and much more in an immersive, interactive and fun manner.  The courses are self-paced and adapt and personalize to each student’s learning style and progress.  Students are highly engaged and can socialize and learn with their friends using features such as the Friends Circle, interact with Beem, a friendly and knowledgeable chatbot, and participate in the larger bitWise Community by posting questions and receiving answers.  Parents receive insights and reports on their student’s progress. Currently, bitWise is running a summer promotion and giving a 50% discount on their Unlimited annual subscription.  It is just $100 per student to join at this time for access to all of their online courses.

bitWise Academy has also launched an exclusive STEM channel on WhatsApp devoted to 🔬Science 💻Technology 🏗 Engineering and 🔢Mathematics.  This channel is completely FREE to join.  You will receive interesting information, facts, explanations, questions and answers in various subjects like Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science and more.  Please add this number +1 574 386 1449 or +1 707 803 8565 to a WhatsApp Group.  Everyone on that WhatsApp group will automatically receive what is published.


Our Experience

My kids were familiar with the scratch program and the Raspberry Pi (a class is offered teaching about how to use the Pi) going into bitWise. We joined hoping to learn more about coding, programming and more. My kids were not disappointed. Although my oldest son already can navigate through Scratch and the Pi easily, my eleven and nine-year olds learned a lot with the programs on bitWise academy. My son taught himself a few years ago but my other son and daughter were able to catch up to his skill level using bitWise. Everyone learns differently. If your child is a self-learner, buy a Pi and let him explore. If your child tends to do well visually seeing step-by-step how to do things then bitWise is for you. It is simple, easy to understand and easy to follow. 

The only difficult aspect is the fact that the audio is a computer so it is hard to understand at times and oftentimes pronounces words incorrectly, similar to a GPS that doesn't know how to correctly pronounce a street name because phonetically, it just does not work. Although I love computers and appreciate how AI is improving our lives, there is much to be said about good old-fashioned human interaction. A human voice-over would have been easier to understand. Other than that, the program is an excellent resource for kids and teens wanting to get into programming or coding. 

The lessons are include many aspects with many activities to complete with each one. 

Hands-down, my kids favorite course was Fundamentals of Art. They loved it. It breaks down basic art concepts that can be used for computer programming. 

Overall, I recommend this program for homeschoolers all across the US. And, at this time, they are offering a yearly subscription for half the price!
Disclaimer: I received the above product in exchange for an honest review.

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