Tiger Crystal Art Card Kit (A Timberdoodle Review)



Do you have a sick family member you have been wanting your kids to send a card to? Maybe your parents live far away, and they have been itching to receive some snail mail from the grandkids. Wow them with this incredible Tiger Crystal Art Card. Seriously, this card is stunning, and it is so much fun to create. My kids are huge fans of crystal art which is an activity they were introduced to by their former art teacher grandmother. 

This card is next-level awesome when it comes to these types of kits. This is not a craft that your child works on that sticks around the house for only a few days. It is a keepsake and a piece of art. Since it is a card, it makes the perfect gift for someone who deserves more than a measly dollar store card. 

We chose the tiger-themed card, but as you can see, there are other options available. If your child falls in love with this activity, you can order them all and save them for a rainy day. 

The recommended ages are 8 and up. I have seen younger children work on these types of crafts but I would highly suggest adult supervision if they are not quite eight years old yet. This craft is much simpler than the Tiger Pool Crystal Art that my other son worked on. For him, that was an activity that spanned over two months. It was a perfect long-term craft to have on hand for him to work on when he needed something to do. This card craft, however, can be completed in only a few sittings. My oldest son finished it in a weekend. It did take several hours, but he is the type to finish what he started, and he won't stop until he does. The long-term projects are not his strength, but these shorter ones are. Just because it was a shorter project doesn't mean the quality isn't there—it absolutely is. The finished product is beautiful and rewarding for the one who created it. 

This kit consists of a card with a tiger design. The top of the card is sticky, so the beads can easily be pressed into it. You simply pull the plastic film off of where you are working as you go. The beads come organized by color, and a handy tray is included to help keep them organized. You also receive a stick to help you pick up the crystal beads and put them into place. 

The finished product is absolutely incredible and well worth the time, energy, and effort. My son was extremely proud of his work and has his card displayed for everyone to see. We love showcasing our kids' artwork in our home, but we also like to give handmade gifts to relatives since it conveys so much thought and meaning. Who would you have your kids make one for? Let me know in the comments below!

Disclaimer: I received the above product in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. 

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