Safari Park Jr. (A Timberdoodle Review)



It's safari time with Safari Park Jr.! If you are on the lookout for an educational game for your preschooler or kindergartener this Christmas, this game is sure to keep your child entertained for hours. Timberdoodle has yet another incredible one-player game that we have added to our collection. I love having these on hands for my youngest to enjoy while I am homeschooling the older ones, cooking in the kitchen, or working on homesteading tasks (soap making was on this week's agenda).

Little ones tend to get antsy this time of year when outdoor activities become less and less. Safari Park Jr. has been a fun new addition to our rotation of toys!

This educational Christmas gift for preschoolers has four color-coded levels. Green is the easiest, moving on to yellow, red, and then purple is the master level. This game could absolutely be used with children as young as three years old, up unto about five. Older children with developmental delays would also benefit from this task-driven game. 

Dozen of cards are available with different manipulatives to work around the board—all safari-themed. Using small lions to tall giraffes, children work on spatial recognition, problem solving, creativity, and pretend play. Having hands-on toys in your educational arsenal helps young children work on developing physical skills that cannot be mastered using digital devices.    

Children are encouraged to move the pieces around the board in a way that works for each animal. Little ones are challenged to move the giraffe somewhere other than under the tree since they clearly won't fit. Think of a modern version of the manipulatives found in doctor's offices in the 80s and 90s. This developmental game is colorful, fun, entertaining, and created with young children in mind! 

Disclaimer: Many thanks to Timberdoodle for providing the above product in exchange for this review.  



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