Thrift Schooling is No Longer On Facebook


Well, sort of. If you search for Thrift Schooling on FB then yes, you will still find our page. The problem. I no longer have access to that page. It seems as soon as I went over 2,000 followers on the fan page, things went downhill. Rapidly, my numbers began dropping. Then one day when I went to sign in to my account, I was not allowed in unless I provided some further personal information. Either,
 1. My cell phone number 
 2. A photo copy of my ID 
Believe it or not, I'm one of the few people left in the world without a cell phone. You read that right. No cell phone, and by choice. And, I refuse to send FB a copy of my ID, I mean, it's FB for goodness sakes, they certainly do not need a copy of my ID. When they requested that information, the red flags went sky high in my books and I said good-bye to that social site for good!
Now how is this going to affect this blog?
Good question!
At first I was nervous thinking that I would not be able to have influence around me without being on FB. But I now realize that your areas of influence are always changing and I just need to be flexible. Instead of devoting so much time to promoting my post on FB, why not focus on Twitter, or Pinterest ?! Believe it or not, I've been having more success through Pinterest than I ever did on FB, go figure! 

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