Get to Know Jesus {Book Review}

When I first received Get to Know Jesus by Nancy I. Sanders I wasn't quite sure which angle the author was going to take with a title like that! Is it talking about your relationship with Jesus, or is it more focused on his humanity and what His life here on earth was like? Well, the answer is the former and the information was presented extremely well. Basically, this book is a children's biography on the life of Jesus. And don't let that scare you! It's not simply a historical account but it clearly defines Jesus as God, man and Savior. It is a history book, and not too long, only 109 pages. The beautiful color illustrations show relevant artwork and images to help bring history to life. This book includes color maps, a timeline and fun facts! 

There is a cute key in the front of the book that explains the meanings behind certain symbols used to present certain facts throughout the margins of the book. For example, when you see and oil lamp pictured, there will be a Scripture reference or if you see a scroll, know that there is a new word to learn about! Some words include judgement, defeat and establish.

What I enjoyed the most was how complex facts and events were presented in a fun and simple way for kids to not only understand but to enjoy! Honestly, many things presented in his book such as the temple or Dead Sea Scrolls were things that I wasn't exposed to until college! It is neat to find a book that presents material that I learned in college written for elementary age students! It is valuable and interesting information with plenty of pictures and a variety of fun facts that children will enjoy. This book takes the student to the land of the Bible without leaving the comfort of their own home! 

If you are looking for biography resources for your child whether you homeschool or for a class assignment, I highly recommend this book from Sander's biography series. She also has written biographies for King David, Paul, and Mary.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the above title for the purpose of this review from the Book Look Blogger program. All opinions stated are my own.

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