8 Quality History Curriculum Choices


(1) Golden Prairie Press

If you are looking for a gentle approach to teaching multi-level children in the elementary age grades, this curriculum is very hands-on! Filled with stories, songs and activities, your child will learn to fall in love with America and it's history! You can read my Golden Prairie Press Review to learn more!

(2) Home School in the Woods
This curriculum is also geared towards elementary aged children. I began it when my children were very young and am holding onto it for when they reach the older elementary grades. The content is a little more challenging and in depth than Golden Prairie Press and very detailed. I look forward to using this again! You can read my Home School in the Woods Review to learn more!

      (3) Christian Heroes: Then and Now 
Unit Studies

Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose is only one book in YWAM Publishing's Christian Heroes Now and Then Series. The unit study that goes along with this biography is easy enough for young children to understand yet challenging enough for tweens and teens to read as well. The activities that go along with this book help children understand both South American culture and the life of a Christian missionary. You can read my Jim Elliot Unit Study Review to learn more.

   (4)  The Light and Glory for Children

The Light and the Glory for Children is a book where children will see God's plan for America from Christopher Columbus to George Washington. This is geared towards upper elementary aged children and is a great story based tool written by the same authors as the original book for adults, The Light and the Glory.

(5) My State Notebook

Children enjoy learning about their own state with Abeka book's My State Notebook . This activity book is a part of their fourth grade history program. Of course, you can buy it separate and use it on it's own for any age! My son is looking forward to this hands-on approach to learning about his state this year!

 (6)  Veritas Press

If you appreciate the classical style of homeschooling then you would enjoy Veritas Press! We tried one year of their online history program along with their Old Testament and Ancient Egypt Flashcards. Even though it wasn't for us, since we aren't of the Classical mindset, many, many families are enjoying this program every year! You can read my Veritas Press Ancient Egypt Review 
to learn more!

(7) Notgrass History

Notgrass Exploring World History is also geared for older children and provides a comprehensive curriculum they can enjoy. I've heard rave reviews from moms and private school educators who have used this program! I look forward to trying this when my kids are older.

(8) Romans, Reformers and Revolutionaries

Another program that I look forward to using when my children are in the middle school years is Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries: A Biblical World History Curriculum by Answers in Genesis. I know, I'm getting ahead of myself but this looks like a quality program that my kids will enjoy when they are older. What a great way to teach my kids about the reformers from a protestant perspective!

Have I left anything out? Which history curriculum is your favorite?

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