The Logic of English program has become an integral part of my son's education. He is presently working through Foundations Level C and loving it!
It is no secret that I am a fan of the Logic of English Foundations Program. I'm realizing that the reason I like it so much is because it does just that, lays a foundation. When learning to read, there are two main methods you can use. Either sight or phonics. I learned to read by sight so when I first started teaching my oldest son to read I was confused when different phonetic rules were brought into the picture. He learned to read quickly and sped ahead two grade levels immediately so we didn't spend much time on the rules.
My second son didn't catch on quite as quick. Don't get me wrong, he's a great reader and reads right on par for his age, but he learns differently. Teaching him to read using phonics has increased his reading ability dramatically. He is the type to rush through things and this program causes him to slow down and think about why a word sounds the way it does.
There are several rules in the English language in regards to how words are spelled. The most memorable for many is "i before e except after c." In this program, the basic spelling rules are included in flashcard form which is a great tool for a child with a short attention span. It causes them to slow down enough to be interested in a physical card rather than something that's just auditory. It also doesn't provide too much information at once allowing the child to gain bite-sized information that they can handle.
I like how with the Logic Of English program, once you buy the supplemental materials, you can use it for several different levels.
The spelling rule flash cards, basic phonogram flash cards, the phonogram game pieces and the whiteboard are all items that I've had throughout all the levels I've used so far.
This program is full of so many games that
my son never gets bored. He never knows what to expect each day and is always looking forward to Foundations.
Since I homeschool three and have a baby, he loves this one-on-one time with mom. We usually spend between 20-30 minutes, four times a week on Foundations. Some days are teacher intensive where I am teaching him a new concept. Even though I am the one teaching, he is still involved. Whenever a new concept is taught, the child uses the small whiteboard to stay focused and be active in his learning.
He loves these activities. The card games and activities found in the student workbook always keep him engaged as well. Other days are more student orientated where the student has more independent work, focusing on what he has been learning. This is usually when the writing part of the curriculum kicks in. We have been using the spelling lists provided in this book for the past month. I like how the words correlate with the concepts being taught but they have been a bit difficult for my son. We have been using Foundations for a bit and I've been up in the air about whether or not I want to use the spelling portion of it. I've decided against it. I am confident it will work well for quick learners and other students but it doesn't work for us. Which is a shame because it is laid out nicely in this curriculum. I was greatly impressed with this level. It definitely is more challenging than Level B but still holds the same playfulness as far as learning style. I look forward to continuing with Level D this fall!
Not the level you are looking for? Check out my other reviews:
Logic of English Essentials
Disclaimer: This post is brought to you by Logic of English. All thoughts expressed here are my own.
Disclaimer: This post is brought to you by Logic of English. All thoughts expressed here are my own.