Animals and Their Homes (A Timberdoodle Review)


Timberdoodle craft boxes are my new happy place. They keep my kids busy, happy, and the end products are super cute! Animals and Their Homes is a kit that my kindergartener and second grader have been working on and is part of the Timberdoodle Kindergarten kit

The crafts not only help with hand-eye coordination, but result in designs that kids are proud of.

Some crafts are simpler for my youngest. Others are a bit more challenging yet worth every second when my older child sees the result. Check out the adorable dog below! My son made that and was so proud of his creation. He has it displayed for all to see, plus he can play with it whenever he wants to. 


When I was in college, I had a formerly homeschooled friend tell me that growing up her parents celebrated her and her brother's creativity. They would allow them to decorate the house with their artwork and they were proud of their endeavors. To be honest. I did not know what she meant. Though I did consider myself creative, which is why I believe we hit it off as friends when we first met, I did not understand the importance and beauty of parents allowing their home to be a place of creativity. I completely understand now. I love allowing my children to create, recreate, and find ways to showcase their creativity. Rather than simply allowing them to make something to throw away, it is so much more valuable to invest in a craft meant to last. Timberdoodle kits such as this one does just that. 


This particular kit not only comes with all of the materials but an adorable pair of scissors perfect for little hands, a glue stick, and thick double-sided (multi-color) crayons. This is the kit to buy for Christmas break to keep your kids busy as bees. Teaching kids about animals and their homes, this kit is not only fun but educational! Order one today!

Disclaimer: I received the above product in exchange for an honest review. 

All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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