This is the year of science in my homeschool. Let. Me. Tell. You. I am just floored. My two youngest kiddos, in first and third grade are just loving all of the science aspects of learning this year—they just cannot get enough. My older kids were slightly similar, but these kids are more into the hands-on, let's get dirty and messy approach—which is great (most of the time.) From make-shift catapults to bottle rockets, they are just also doing, making, and exploring. I cannot seem to have enough materials on hand for them, or the ideas to keep their little minds stimulated. Enter Stepping Into Science, available from Timberdoodle. I could not have asked for a more perfect answer for our homeschool. The box came in the mail with dozen of science activities ready to go.
From hovercrafts to sundials my kids have been kept busy for weeks. I let them pick out an activity each school day and they always want to do more and more. With instructions for each experiment, complete with pictures, their older siblings can easily help them, and oftentimes my third grader can work on it alone. Of course, I love being there as their faces light up when they learn a new science concept for the first time, so I make sure to do each experiment with them at least once. My son was thrilled with his sun dial when we came back every few hours to see the shadow change.
My kids were also amazed while learning about surface tension while seeing a floating paper clip in water that clearly should sink! Their eyes lit up and they just want to keep on "doing science."
In addition to the beautiful and easy to use instruction booklet, I loved the variety of the experiments from growing cress seed to making a hovercraft. Everything you need is included and the kids continually are excited to work through these experiments. The best part is that most of them can be used over and over again for a full year of fun. We have been working through this box over the past couple of months and my goal is to keep it in our homeschool area for the rest of the school year to keep them busy and occupied while having fun!
Disclaimer: Many thanks to Timberdoodle for the product mentioned above for the purpose of this review.