Homeschool Art Supplies

Thrift Schooling


My youngest son told me the other day that he was going to be an artist. Scratch that. That he is an artist. He then proceeded to take every single art supply in the home and begin to create, and create, and create. It was at this point that I realized I needed to begin to add structure to his art lessons. When a child expresses an interest in something, it is best to provide him with the tools needed to learn. All of my kids are crafty in one way or another and have each found a way to have productive hobbies that produce something beneficial in the end, but they all needed to be taught the basics. Over the years I have introduced different arts-based curriculum into our homeschool including See the Light and Artistic Pursuits which are an excellent way to add structure to art in your homeschool. 

I also enjoy to have art supplies on hand to use with these programs or for my children to explore the arts on their own. Art contests occasionally pop up in the homeschooling world or in the community so I like to be prepared. 

This sleek kit from VigorFun not only hasacrylic and oil paint but colored pencils, watercolor cakes, and so much more all in a beautiful wooden box! Grab yours before the end of the month.

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