I was recently asked if we do dissections in our homeschool. I had to think for a moment. I mean, I live on a homestead where we have raised all kinds of animals for meat. I won't give you a list because I know the thought of eating certain animals can upset some readers, but we prefer grass-fed, humane treatment so raising our animals at home is best for us. Which means my children have seen the innards of a wide variety of animals.
Homeschooling lends to a wide variety of educational methods. Learning on the job is one of them. As my husband skins an animal and begins to process it for consumption, he has the opportunity to teach our children the different organs and cuts of meat. It absolutely gives them the chance to learn more than what could be taught in a classroom. Tests and quizzes and multiple choice all have their place but practical, hands-on learning is king in our home.
On the other hand, we will use traditional-style dissections that you would see in a classroom setting on occasion. One formal dissection that we have done, that the kids loved, was an
owl pellet dissection kit. As a parent, it was easy to administer and fun from them to work through.